What are the Consequences of Illegally Possessing Prescription Drugs?

August 20, 2021 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Many people associate stiff drug possession penalties with illegal narcotics such as heroin and cocaine. However, the law defines illegal possession of drugs differently. For the most part, Wisconsin law groups drugs into categories for purposes of illegal possession. Some types of prescription drugs can fall into buckets where illegal possession can merit serious jail time. Either way, you need to take drug possession charges seriously from the very first minute.

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Drug Possession Defenses

March 10, 2021 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Under Wisconsin criminal laws, drug possession is a serious charge which can lead to serious penalties. If convicted, you could face several years in prison, steep fines, the loss of certain rights such as voting, as well as damage to your reputation, and the inability to hold particular jobs or licenses. Simply put, a conviction on drug possession charges has the potential to ruin your life.

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