Why Would Someone Go to Trial If They Are Guilty?

August 9, 2022 | Criminal Defense Attorney

In criminal cases, defendants must make crucial decisions with the help of their attorney at various stages of the process. There is no more important decision that you will make than whether to go to trial. If you lose at trial, you can face a more serious jail sentence than if you accepted a plea deal. Nonetheless, it may make sense to go to trial, even if you have done some (or all) of what the prosecutor alleges. Your attorney will give you the best advice about how to proceed in your case.

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What Is the Difference Between a Guilty Plea and a No-Contest Plea?

April 22, 2021 | Court Hearings

Many people simply assume that a no-contest plea is the same exact thing as a guilty plea. While the two have a similar effect in a criminal case, there are some key differences. Before deciding what plea to enter in a case, it is crucial to consult with a criminal defense lawyer to understand the ramifications of each course of action. An Appleton criminal defense attorney could provide you with the legal advice that you need.

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