Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Get Charges Dropped in Wisconsin?

October 10, 2023 | Court Hearings

Most criminal cases do not end up at trial. Either the charges are dropped, or the defendant reaches a plea agreement with the prosecutor. Your criminal defense attorney may look for a way to get the charges dropped if it is at all possible. In some cases, the charges are dropped when you successfully fight and stand up for your legal rights. In other cases, the charges may be dropped as part of a deal with the prosecutor.

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How to Choose the Best Criminal Defense Attorney in Wisconsin

September 5, 2023 | Criminal Defense Attorney

It goes without saying that you need to hire your own criminal defense attorney for your Wisconsin court case. You must make your decision quickly because your legal rights depend on you getting the necessary legal help. The question then becomes which attorney you should hire. You are faced with many choices, as there may be a large number of criminal defense attorneys in your area. The attorney you select must be the right attorney for you, and you must make the selection under pressure. Here are some things that you should consider when choosing a Wisconsin criminal defense lawyer.

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Exploring Wisconsin’s Self-Defense Laws in Criminal Cases

August 22, 2023 | Constitution

Kyle Rittenhouse was an 18-year-old man charged with reckless homicide and intentional homicide in the shooting of three men during protests against the shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, by a white police officer in Kenosha in 2021. Rittenhouse’s defense attorneys argued that Rittenhouse was the person facing danger, with one man trying to attack Rittenhouse with a skateboard and Rittenhouse only defending himself against his would-be attackers.

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Constitutional Rights in Wisconsin Criminal Cases

July 5, 2023 | Constitution

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the country, and the first 10 amendments to the Constitution were known as the Bill of Rights. In total, there have been 33 amendments to the Constitution proposed by the United States Congress and sent to the states for ratification, with 27 being ratified by the requisite number of states and becoming part of the Constitution, six being adopted by Congress and sent to the states but not ratified by the required number of states, four still pending, one being closed and failing on its own terms, and one being closed and failing by the terms of the resolution proposing it.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Facing Criminal Charges

April 4, 2023 | Court Hearings

What you do once you learn you are being investigated or have been criminally charged can affect the outcome of your case. There is little that you can do on your own to make your situation better. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes that you can make that can make your situation worse. Law enforcement will do everything that they can to win a conviction, and your mistakes can make their life easier. The way to avoid making crucial errors that can muddy your legal situation is to contact an attorney. Your lawyer will advise you about what not to do, and they will deal with the prosecutor on your behalf.

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What is a Sentencing Hearing and What Happens During One?

February 21, 2023 | Court Hearings

Sentencing is when the court imposes a punishment on the defendant after they have been found guilty at trial or has pled guilty to a crime. A judge will hold a hearing before they render their decision about the criminal sanctions for the defendant. The sentencing hearing is a tremendously stressful proceeding for the defendant because they literally learn their own fate. The defendant has a right to be heard before the judge hands down a sentence.

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What are Pretrial Conferences and What Happens During Them?

February 7, 2023 | Court Hearings

There are numerous things that must be considered before trial that are far more than just “housekeeping” items. The actual trial is where your freedom is at stake, and the court system takes it extremely seriously. Criminal trials are coordinated and planned to an extent to allow both the state and you to effectively present their case. The pretrial conference is a critical milestone in your case because it both sets the ground rules for the trial and could even facilitate a resolution of your case.

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What to Do if You Are Pulled Over for OWI This Holiday Season

December 20, 2022 | Criminal Defense Attorney

OWI arrests throughout Wisconsin often increase dramatically over the holiday season. People celebrate the holidays at gatherings where alcohol is served. Accordingly, police departments increase enforcement efforts during the holiday season to deter and catch drunk drivers. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are among the days when there is the highest number of OWI arrests.

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Tips for Managing Finances After An Arrest

November 10, 2022 | Criminal Defense Attorney

Being arrested presents challenges and numerous areas of your life. Besides your mental health and reputation, an arrest could challenge your finances. You will need to have money to pay for legal defense, so you must manage your finances during this time, as difficult as it may seem. You Cannot Spend as if Nothing Is Happening There are no two ways around the fact that you will need to cut back your spending until your case is resolved. If your case involves potential jail time, your family will need to survive while you are in prison. You will also need money to pay for your legal defense. You simply cannot continue to spend like you were before the arrest because a criminal defense costs money. You should inventory your expenses to figure out what you can eliminate or reduce. Ideally, you should reduce your expenditures to the bare minimum possible … Continued

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Three Ways Prescription Drugs Can Lead to Criminal Charges

October 18, 2022 | Constitution

Prescription drugs may have multiple uses. While you may need them for a certain purpose, others may have their own needs for them, some of which may be illegal. Something that is completely legal may cross a line if it is used incorrectly or illegally distributed. You can still face criminal charges for misusing prescription drugs even after your physician had written up a legitimate prescription – in some cases, even when the need was genuine. OWI for Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence It is important that you read the instructions that go along with your prescription drugs. Some may advise you that you should not operate any type of heavy machinery for a certain period of time after taking the medication. Heavy machinery, in this case, will include a car. Some prescriptions may have a similar impact on alcohol or drugs. Wisconsin OWI law is not just centered … Continued

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